32 research outputs found

    Recreating historical Malay architecture with BIM process

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    In South-East Asia, the Malay architecture is among the popular subject of research because of its historical importance within the region, apart from many others. To some researchers, the Malay architecture is unique because of its intangible meaning and historically rich design characters. It is difficult to be reproduced, and only limited numbers of people are acknowledged as experts. With the introduction of technology such as BIM, it is hypothesized that the gap can be minimized. The idea of this paper is to outline the process of recreating cultural architectural design using a modern process such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) platform in specific, from data collection using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and digitalization process in Revit software. This paper employs observation approach using data from laser scanner collected from case study and content analysis technique. While normally most of the cultural architecture is undocumented, the findings of this activity are aimed to provide guideline to develop geometrical information for heritage-enthusiast in practicing their undertakings. It is hoped that more historical and cultural architecture can be recreated and appreciated for the use and inspiration of current construction industry

    Heritage building preservation through building information modellling: reviving cultural values through level of development exploration

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    Despite the rich and diverse heritage buildings in Malaysia, they suffer from many problems and threats. Many heritage buildings are deteriorating, and this threatens the countryโ€™s cultural values. The deterioration of built heritage is a result of the poor inheritance of its related documentation and need to be addressed. Thus, this study brought forward the concept of preservation using Building Information Modelling (BIM). Exploring the potential of BIM as a preservation tool in reviving local cultural values might help to balance the problem of poor inheritance or inconsistency in managing historic and documentation maintenance. The aim of this paper is to study the relationship between levels of development (LOD) and usage of BIM in heritage building preservation. This study employs exploratory research using content analysis. The result of the study found that the availability of as-built details (LOD 500) of the building would be the crucial dataset needed for BIM to function in heritage building as H-BIM. This paper suggests on techniques available for constructing Level of Development (LOD) needed for H-BIM

    Advocating sustainable building paradigm through value management

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    Sustainability issues had become one of the top issues of Malaysia construction industry. The implication of sustainable dimensions into construction project helps in generating buildings which are energy efficient, healthy, comfortable and flexible while at the same time increases its durability. Value management (VM) is proposed as a tool used to promote sustainable building (SB). VM aims to achieve optimum value of a project based on its objectives and its approach is much similar w ith sustainability which ideally focusing on achieving values, not just economically, but environmentally and social aspects of the project. This paper investigated the practicability of the VM-SB integration in the Malaysia construction industry. It explores the development and practices of VM-SB concept as well as assessing the perfonnance criteria of integrating VM in SB projects. Findings from the questionnaire surveys which were distributed to G7 contractors show ed that the VM-SB integration is still low7 but gradually increasing. More know ledge and understanding of both concepts are needed prior to be implemented into a project as there are potentials for VM-SB concept to be adapted to all projects in the near future

    A generic process of documentation and data management for historical Malay architecture using BIM

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    Historical Malay Building Information Modelling (HMBIM) is a prototype library of historical Malay BIM objects, which are developed based on historical study on the architecture of Malay heritage. The objective of this paper is to outline a generic process of documentation and data management (data collection, modelling and retrieval using BIM), specific for the preservation and conservation effort of Malay architecture. This research employs multiple case studies technique and the process begins with the collection of data using multiple reliable sources namely archival reports, measured drawings and scan-to-BIM. HMBIM is enriched using reverse engineering approach where the information about building components are semantically identified according to Malay architecture characteristics and enriched into data coding system. Since there is no standard approach for conservators in the work of conservation, assembly and disassembly of Malay buildings in Malaysia, HMBIM is anticipated to be able to suggest โ€˜standardโ€™ for the work. The main output for this paper is the creation of framework in demonstrating the processes involved

    Intelligent clasification sewage treatment plant (STP) using E-nose

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    The environment is an invaluable gift. In an era of progress, economic activities and development projects are often carried out to improve living standards and keep pace with other developed countries. However, this activity has had a negative impact on the environment because some parties still fail to control the disposal of waste that can cause environmental pollution. The effects of this pollution can give to discomfort and disruption to the life of the community. It is because the effects of toxic emissions have caused air pollution to spread foul odors. Therefore, this study was conducted to classify air odor and water odor from the treatment plant in the area of Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Gambang Campus. The classification of air and water odors was done using case-based reasoning

    Spatial analysis on Malay buildings for categorization of Malay historic BIM library

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    Problem statement/Literature Review: In Malaysia, Malay cultural architecture is becoming a popular topic since Malay architecture is believed to have unique characteristics, which would be beneficial if translated into BIM environment. However, a BIM library needs a localized system and categorization for its interface since a cultural heritage library should reflect their own original identity of architecture. From literature, it was found that the traditional design form in Malay architecture can be identified through several aspects that are inherent physical elements in the design which can be sorted into five distinct categories which are (i) Structural members (ii) Non-structural members (iii) Aesthetic and decorative elements (iv) Spatial composition and organization and (v) Material and construction technology. Methodology: In order to develop a BIM library with cultural identity, this paper further the study on the characters of Malay architecture based on the spatial composition and organization aspect with respect to the theory of space and taxonomy. Results & Analysis: A spatial analysis on the layout of multiple historic Malay buildings consisting of commonersโ€™ house and palaces were conducted where the naming of areas within the building zones was identified and presented to propose a novel categorization structure for Malay Historic BIM library. Conclusion: This study proposed an approach on how to address the issue of developing a BIM library based on the cultural architecture characters

    Inspection of crude oil condition using electronic nose (E-nose)

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    Oil and gas production and distribution processes technologies are highly complex and capital-intensive. Crude oil is a high demand commodity in Malaysia and across the world. Physical and chemical properties are used to classify crude oil in oil and gas industries. The human's nose cannot distinguish the difference of smell among various crude oils grade. Conventional approaches to detect odour are expensive and difficult to operate. Due to declining production and increasing demand, using E-nose technologies to inspect the odour condition of crude oil might be a significant change in the industries. The Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) classification method also is utilised in this project to classify crude oil conditions. As a result, all crude oil samples have their odour profile pattern extracted through the normalisation of data. The performance accuracy of the CBR classifier achieved a high rate, which is 99.31% on average. Hence, the using of E-nose and utilising CBR are excellent methods in investigating odour

    Intelligent classification of palm oil tree pollination using E-nose

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    The pollination period is one of the crucial steps needed to ensure crop yield increases, especially in palm oil palm plantations. Most of the research has difficulty determining the pollination period of palm oil. Many problems contribute to this problem, such as difficut to reach and depedency of the polination insect as the insect activity is influenced by the surrounding enviroment.E-Nose can help determine the period by classifiy odour pattern of the male and female palm oil flower. The pattern of each of the flowers were classified using cased โ€“ based reasoning artificial intelligent technique. This paper shows the research of the palm oil pollination flower odour profile pattern using case-based reasoning (CBR) classifier

    Lubricant oil odor-profile classification using case based reasoning intelligent classification method

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    Lubricant Oil is one of the products from the crude petroleum refinery process. The implementation of lubricating oil automotive sector is very crucial to make sure the smoothness of moving parts in the vehicles engine. The smoothness of engine of vehicles influence the performance of vehicle at the highest level. Common method used by public to determine the aging level of lubricant oil is by checking the mileage meter mounted on the vehicles dashboard. In the world of research, researchers used various methods and instruments such as ICP-MS, AAS and so on. However, these methods involved the complex sample preparation, complicated procedures and costly for installation and maintenance. In order to avoid these difficulties, e-nose is used in order to classify the aging level of the lubricant oil with simpler sample preparation, less experimental procedures and lower cost compare to other instruments. The signal processing technique is implemented in order to process the raw data in order to make sure the data in a very good condition for features extraction phase. The important information that known as odor-profile then will be used for classification using Casebased Reasoning Intelligent Classification method. From this research, 100% classification result is obtained

    kNN: Classification of agarwood types in oil and wooden using E-nose

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    Agarwood is one of the most expensive woods existed that has been used in many fields such as ceremony, religion, medical and more. There are many spe-cies of agarwood which give different quality. The most high-demand species were A. Malaccensis and A. Crassna. However, there is hard to differentiate be-tween both species either in oil or wooden medium. There is still no analytic standard method available to differentiate them. This study introduces a method of determining the types of agarwood specifically an A. Malaccensis and A. Crassna in oil and in the wooden medium using e-nose with k-Nearest Neighbour (kNN) analysis. In other to achieve that purpose, the objectives of this study were to develop the odor profile of A. Malaccensis and A. Crassna in oil and wooden medium, to classify A. Malaccensis and A. Crassna in oil and wooden medium using kNN classifier, and to measure the performance of kNN classifier on A. Malaccensis and A. Crassna on oil and wooden medium. As the result, the introduced method was able to classify both types of agarwood in both mediums with a high classification rate which is 94.5 percent accurate